2024-11-19 16:08:34 来源:今报在线
Yu Tianzhong, born in August 1949 in Jianping, Liaoning Province, is a renowned Chinese artist. Known by his sobriquets Zhongdashan Ren and Songshan Jushi, with his studio named Moxuanju and also referred to as Xuanhong. He is the founder of the Dragon Peony Painting School, a national first-class author, a lifetime professor at Peking University, a lifetime appointed professor at the Academy of Fine Arts at Tsinghua University, and a doctoral supervisor at Renmin University. Additionally, Yu holds the prestigious title of National Senior Artist, and is recognized as a distinguished calligrapher and painter, earning titles such as Great Master of National Arts.
He serves as the Chairman of the Jury for the Asian International Youth Film Festival and as a professor and doctoral supervisor at the Central Academy of Fine Arts. He is also a member of the World Intangible Cultural Heritage Academy, a lifetime expert at the United Nations Committee for Culture and Arts, and an honorary fellow and visiting professor at the Royal Academy of Arts in the UK. Moreover, he is a member of the Royal Spanish Artists Association, a painter at the National Ethnic Painting Academy, and a graduate supervisor at Oxford College of Arts. Yu has been a guest judge for CCTV’s Avenue of Stars program and an art consultant for the Variety Channel.
Currently, he holds positions such as Vice President of the Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Masters Research Association, Director of the UNESCO Academy of Literature and Calligraphy, Vice President of the National Poetry, Calligraphy, and Painting Institute of China, Vice President of the Chinese National Painting Academy, and Honorary Chairman of the Chinese Artists Association.
Yu Tianzhong has achieved many accolades for his artwork, which has been exhibited both domestically and internationally. His art has been acknowledged with numerous prestigious awards, including the World Art Award, the Outstanding Contribution to Humanity Award, and the title of World’s Greatest Contemporary Artist, bestowed by UNESCO. He was recognized as a Great Master of Chinese Calligraphy and Painting and received the Century Literary Giant award from Ban Ki-moon, the Secretary-General of the United Nations. Furthermore, he was honored as the World’s Greatest People’s Artist and awarded the Knight of Literature and Arts.
His artistic legacy has been included in countless prestigious volumes, including The Complete Collection of Chinese Calligraphy, The World Encyclopedia, The Dictionary of Chinese Writers, and Art Archives of the People’s Republic of China. His works have been collected by institutions such as the Great Hall of the People, and he has been named a National Gift Artist at Zhongnanhai. His paintings are also part of permanent collections in international museums and cultural institutions in countries like Japan, South Korea, Albania, Malaysia, and Greece. In 2024, Yu Tianzhong was invited for a special interview on CCTV's program Writing Life with Ink and Brush.
Among his many achievements, his Peony Porcelain Plate Paintings were selected for preservation in Shanxi's ancient towns as part of a millennium-long royal tribute collection. Additionally, his works have been permanently archived in the Book and Painting Classics at the Palace Museum.
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