2024-11-19 16:00:08 来源:今报在线
国家出版社出版长篇纪实文学《追梦的人——留法学人回国创业记述》、《情系玫瑰泉——留学巴黎记实》等专著4部;发表的书论有:《书法艺术 国之愧宝——纪念中国书法入选联合国“非遗名录”十周年》、《草书妙处 口述难详——浅说草书的艺术特征》、《学书在法 其妙在人——浅说书法与做人的关系》、《最好的名片是作品——浅说书法艺术的评判标准》、《一门返璞归真的新兴艺术——中华地书风范漫谈》等。
Bai Xiaole, male, from Boye County, Hebei Province. Born in 1941, he graduated from high school in 1961 and was admitted to a military academy to study radar science. In 1965, he was sent to study in Paris, France by the Ministry of Higher Education, where he completed his undergraduate studies. He served in the People's Liberation Army Air Force and Navy, and in 1987, he transferred to the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, where he served as Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Editor-in-Chief of the Academy's journal. He was also a council member of the Western Returned Scholars Association and Deputy Secretary-General of its France branch.
Bai Xiaole was a national gift artist and an honoree of the Golden Book of Renowned Masters of New China. He was an art advisor for a program at China Central Television (CCTV) and a standing council member and Deputy Secretary-General of the Beijing Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Association. He was also the founder and first president of the Longtan Lake Calligraphy Association in Beijing.
His artistic journey began with a childhood passion for art, having placed highly in a regional calligraphy competition in the third grade. He persistently practiced famous calligraphy works under the guidance of senior artists, integrating traditional techniques into his own creative style. Bai Xiaole mastered five forms of calligraphy: Seal, Clerical, Regular, Running, and Cursive scripts, excelling in Cursive. His Cursive script combines the flowing lines of large Cursive with the clear structure of small Cursive, forming his unique style of "broken strokes but unbroken meaning, connected by following the natural flow." He developed a personalized layout style in fan-shaped calligraphy, achieving harmony between the fluidity of Cursive script and the overall composition.
Bai Xiaole was invited to participate in various national calligraphy and painting competitions and charitable activities, winning numerous gold and silver awards. In 2007, he won the Gold Award in the National Calligraphy and Painting Competition for the Beijing Olympics. In 2008, he was awarded the Calligraphy Art Gold Award by China Calligraphy Yearbook. In 2012, he was honored with the Gold Award at the National Senior Citizens' Calligraphy and Painting Invitation Exhibition and was named a Artist Of Both Moral And Artistic Stature.
His works have been collected by various media outlets and government institutions internationally. In 2017 and 2019, he was invited to demonstrate calligraphy at grand celebrations hosted by CCTV. His works have been collected by calligraphy and art enthusiasts in countries such as the United States, France, and Itally. In 2014, the China Postal Press published The Belt and Road: Artistic Ambassador on the New Silk Road – Bai Xiaole’s Personal Art Exhibition. In the same year, the U.S. Philatelic Group published U.S. National Cards – Limited Collector’s Edition of Distinguished Chinese-American Artist Bai Xiaole. In 2017, to commemorate the 53rd anniversary of Sino-French diplomatic relations, France published Commemorative Collector’s Album of Distinguished Chinese Artist Bai Xiaole. In 2024, Chinese Art on French Stamps – Calligraphy Art Exhibition Commemorating 60 Years of Sino-French Diplomatic Relations by Bai Xiaole is published. That same year, Bai Xiaole was awarded the Leonardo da Vinci International Art Lifetime Achievement Award by the Leonardo da Vinci Art Museum in France and the City Hall of Florence, Italy. He was also honored with the World Peace Art Contribution Award by the International Art Alliance, the Golden Bridge Art Alliance, and the Art and Peace First International Art Biennale Committee.
His published works include four documentary books such as Dream Chasers: A Record of Returned French Scholars Starting Businesses in China and *he Ties to Rose Springs: A Documentary of Studying in Paris. He has also published several essays on calligraphy, including Calligraphy, a National Treasure: Commemorating the 10th Anniversary of Chinese Calligraphy’s Inclusion in the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage List, The Subtlety of Cursive Script: Difficult to Explain in Words, Learning Calligraphy in France: The Connection Between Calligraphy and Life, The Best Business Card is the Artwork: Evaluating Standards in Calligraphy Art, and A New Emerging Art Returning to Simplicity: A Discussion on the Style of Chinese Earth Calligraphy.
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