笔墨丹青·珍爱和平——国际和平艺术推选人物 孟东宣
2024-10-24 19:03:16 来源:今日热点网
自幼经私塾老师对书法的严格施教,书法便给自己留下终身的烙印,长期坚持学习名家名作,师古不泥,勤于探索,逐步形成了自己的风格。1986年以来,先后数十次参加全国性书法大赛和国际书画交流展。获一等奖、二等奖、金奖、银奖、国际金奖特别金奖数十次, 以及中国艺术终身成就奖、世界艺术终身成就奖、联合国艺术终身成就奖、世界非物质文化终身成就奖,和诺贝尓国际艺术奖。以及“奥林匹克世界文化传播奖”金奖。还获颁“法国艺术及文学骑士勋章”,并荣获2020年十三届全国两会“为国为民文艺模范奖,授予2020年全国两会重点推荐“新时代优秀人民文艺家”,“国家文艺先进工作者”荣誉称号。还获民族的脊梁共和国文艺模范奖,授予“国家文艺界时代楷模”及“新时期国家文艺开拓者”等荣誉称号数十次。
Meng Dongxuan, born in December 1940 in Jingyan County, Sichuan Province, graduated from Beijing University of Political Science and Law (now China University of Political Science and Law) in 1967. He previously served as the Director of Discipline Inspection and Director of the Political Department of the Guangxi High People’s Court, and as a member of its Party Leadership Group. Meng is a National Second-Level Senior Judge, a retired soldier, and an esteemed calligrapher. He holds various distinguished positions, including Vice Chairman of the World Association for the Study of Famous Artists, Lifetime Honorary President of the China National Academy of Painting and Calligraphy, Vice Chairman of the China Radio International Cultural Exchange Arts Committee, Chief Artist and Senior Advisor of the Royal Academy of Arts in the United Kingdom, and Doctor of Arts at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in France.
Having been rigorously taught calligraphy by his private tutor from a young age, calligraphy left a lifelong mark on Meng. He has consistently studied the works of famous masters, striving to learn from tradition without being constrained by it, gradually developing his own unique style. Since 1986, he has participated in numerous national and international calligraphy and painting competitions and exhibitions, winning first and second prizes, gold and silver medals, international gold and special gold awards. His accolades include the Lifetime Achievement Award in Chinese Arts, the Lifetime Achievement Award in World Arts, the United Nations Lifetime Achievement Award in the Arts, the World Intangible Cultural Heritage Lifetime Achievement Award, and the Nobel International Art Award. Additionally, he received the “Olympic World Culture Communication Award” Gold Medal and the “Knight of the Order of Arts and Letters” from France. In 2020, Meng was honored with the “Model of National Literary and Artistic Work” award at the 13th National People’s Congress and National People’s Political Consultative Conference and was recognized as an “Outstanding People’s Artist of the New Era” and “National Advanced Cultural Worker.” He also received the “Republic’s Model of National Art Award,” the title of “Model of National Art in the New Era,” and numerous other distinctions.
Meng’s works have been included in over 50 prestigious publications, such as Great Masters of Contemporary Chinese Calligraphy and Painting, A Century of Chinese Masterpieces, and World-Class Artists.
Meng has made significant contributions to national cultural development and has achieved outstanding success in the arts. He is a paragon of virtue and artistry in the national art scene, representing the highest standards of both ethics and artistic achievement. He has played a leading role in promoting and inheriting the spirit of Lei Feng and serves as a model for the national literary and artistic community, making remarkable contributions to the country’s artistic endeavors.
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