笔墨丹青·珍爱和平——国际和平艺术推选人物 宋晓军
2024-10-24 19:12:56 来源:今日热点网
其书法作品字体飘逸俊秀而不失凝重,柔中带刚; 运笔灵动随势,笔法欹险多变,点画生动妙趣横生,书法气韵,下笔婆娑,百势横生,萧散秀逸,骨力中涵,在使转顿挫间现正侧藏露之娴熟,于疾徐纵横时抒胸中逸气之豪迈。浓墨处见厚重,淡墨处之飞白,秀雅萧疏之神采。其墨韵不论浓淡干湿,皆是着墨从容,得一气呵成之畅快。论字势,看似散淡,漫不经心,信手布构的拈来之巧,实则是将章法化隐其中,使人不能观见刻意之留痕,而让整体韵致在承传中耀展深邃而和谐之悠远意境。
Song Xiaojun, pen name Pinyang Jushi, is a member of the Communist Party of China, born in Fuping, Shaanxi. He is one of the leading figures in contemporary Chinese academic calligraphy, a renowned scholar-calligrapher, calligraphy theorist, senior national artist, and advanced calligraphy artist. He is also a member of the China Calligraphers Association and the Central State Organs Calligraphy Association.
Born into a scholarly family, Song Xiaojun demonstrated exceptional talent and a deep love for calligraphy and painting from an early age. Through decades of rigorous study of ancient masters’ inscriptions and rubbings, he has mastered a variety of scripts, including regular script, cursive, clerical, and seal script, with a particular focus on running script. Over time, he has developed a distinctive style that blends tradition with innovation.
His calligraphy is known for its graceful yet dignified characters, blending softness and strength. His strokes are fluid and adaptable, with dynamic brushwork that is varied and lively. His work exudes a sense of vitality, with every stroke displaying elegance and power. The rhythm of his brushwork—whether bold or delicate, dry or wet—creates a seamless flow, expressing both grandeur and finesse. His characters seem to be composed effortlessly, yet they conceal a carefully structured order, giving his works a profound and harmonious depth.
Song Xiaojun currently serves as the Director of the Institute of Ancient Chinese Calligraphy Theory at the International Tang Dynasty Culture Research Center of Northwest University. He is also a special research fellow and council member of the National Scientific Committee for Ideological and Political Work at the Central Party School, Director of the Northwest Editorial Department of The Yearbook of Chinese Ideological and Political Work, a senior researcher at the Chinese Modern Art Research Center, and Chairman of the Academic Committee of the Shaanxi Poverty Alleviation Education Group.
As a leading figure in contemporary art, Song’s calligraphy has won numerous national awards and is collected by institutions, individuals, and organizations worldwide. In 2008, he successfully organized and served as the chief expert judge for the National Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition commemorating the 115th anniversary of Mao Zedong’s birth. In 2009, he was an expert judge for Shaanxi’s first Civil Servants Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition, celebrating the 60th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China. His work was featured in Masters of Chinese Art, published in both Chinese and English by a national-level publisher in 2012. In 2013, he was included in Model Artists: People’s Favorite Artists, published by Shenzhou Magazine of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles.
Additionally, Song collaborated with renowned artist Fan Zeng in the book Masterpieces by Prominent Artists. His personal poem, “Song of the Great Wall and China,” composed of 56 characters, was inscribed in stone on the Great Wall. He has been invited to Beijing many times to create works for central government agencies.
Although Song Xiaojun has achieved great success in his calligraphy research and creation, he continues to work diligently, striving for new heights in his artistic journey. His contributions to the art of calligraphy will undoubtedly continue to flourish brilliantly!
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