笔墨丹青·珍爱和平——国际和平艺术推选人物 丁玉橙
2024-10-16 15:17:21 来源:今报在线
Ding Yucheng, male, with the courtesy name Xiangquan and the literary name Master of Yunzhen Studio, was born in Chongqing, China.
Ding Yucheng is a traditional Chinese painting and calligraphy artist, an academician of the National Academy of Painting of China, a specially invited consultant for traditional Chinese painting and calligraphy art at the National Museum of China, the chief expert judge of traditional painting and calligraphy art at the Appraisal and Evaluation Center of Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Artworks, a specially invited traditional Chinese painting and calligraphy art tutor for the column "Famous Artists" of CCTV in China, and a national first-class artist of traditional Chinese painting and calligraphy art.
With skills honed since childhood and the belief that "persistence leads to success", he has been exploring and adhering to tradition while innovating for many years. He devotes himself to creation and pays attention to the artistic appeal and vitality of his works. He always firmly believes that the core and foundation of traditional Chinese painting and calligraphy art lie in letting the works speak for themselves.
Mr. Ding Yucheng participated in the 2023 (Paris - Louvre) International Art Co-creation French Exhibition. His traditional Chinese ink bamboo work "Goodness Is Never in Vain" won a special grand prize at the exhibition and was evaluated by the organizing committee as the cover of the exhibition album. In the 2024 National Invitational Exhibition of Famous Painting and Calligraphy Artists, Ding Yucheng's ink landscape work "A Small Continent in Heaven and Earth and Mountains and Waters" won the first prize...
Ding Yucheng is fond of literature and history and is good at painting and calligraphy. He is especially proficient in freehand brushwork of "the four gentlemen" of bamboo, orchid, plum blossom, and chrysanthemum. His works strike a chord. He has participated in many domestic and international art exhibitions. His excellent works are often published by newspapers, magazines, television, the Internet and other media and included in large-scale painting and calligraphy collections published publicly. In 2022, on the occasion of the National Day, the special issue of painting and calligraphy national gifts featuring Fan Di'an, Sun Xiaoyun, Su Shishu, He Jiaying, and Ding Yucheng was published by "Business Culture" magazine under the supervision of the China General Chamber of Commerce. In 2023, on New Year's Day, the desk calendar of painting and calligraphy national gifts featuring Jin Shangyi and Ding Yucheng was published. The special issue on Ding Yucheng's painting and calligraphy, a focus figure, of "Chinese Literati and Artists" under the supervision of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles was published on National Day in 2023. He was honored as the image figure in issues 2023-24 of "Reader" magazine, and his works introduction was published in the same issue. In 2024, the special issue on art featuring Han Meilin, Ding Yucheng, and Lu Yushun, the "ambassador of Chinese cultural inheritance", was published as scheduled in "Cloud", the only in-flight magazine of Hainan Airlines...
Regarding Mr. Ding Yucheng's painting and calligraphy art of "carrying forward tradition and inheriting and innovating", there are many special reports on (CCTV Comprehensive Channel), (CCTV Painting and Calligraphy Channel), (CCTV Overseas Channel), the column "Famous Artists", the Chinese version of People's Daily, People's Daily Europe, China Daily, the Chinese literary and art circles, China News Network, Huanqiu.com, China Art Net, People's Artist Net, Phoenix Net, China Collection, Baidu, Tencent, Youku, Toutiao and others.
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